About this Style

The first part of the output style definition is about describing the output style you are dealing with so that it is easy to find the right output style at a later date.

The different fields are:

File Name: The name of the style, i.e. the file name you (or others) have given it
Full Name: Here it is possible to give the style a little longer, and perhaps more explanatory names
Based on: Here you should write what style you started from if you have changed one of those that came with the program
Category: You can choose to group the output styles to make it easier to find
Publisher: Here you can specify which publisher (or others) is responsible for the output style
URL: Here you can specify which publisher (or others) is responsible for the output style
Created: Indicates when the output style was created
Last modified: Indicates when the output style was last updated
Comments and limitations: Here you can for example enter an overview of what changes have been made in relation to the original output style